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The Petrovaradin Fortress


The Petrovaradin Fortress 

Local guides are great company if you want to hear interesting stories about Novi Sad along the Danube. Novi Sad's bridges hide many of them, beautiful ones, less beautiful ones, love ones and military ones... Discover the past and present of the suburbs of Petrovaradin, and then walk up the 214 steps to conquer the Upper Town. Make a note in your diary of life that you walked through the second largest fortress in Europe, the one that hides an entire underground world in the form of a labyrinth. Enjoy the incredible view of the city of Novi Sad. Find out why one of the symbols of Novi Sad is nicknamed the "drunken clock", why it is called "Gibraltar on the Danube", why it is a UNESCO candidate for world cultural heritage. See for yourself that it's the largest art colony in the world today…and you'll want to come back at least one more time.

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Museum of Novi Sad

The Museum of the City of Novi Sad was founded in 1954 and belongs to the category of city museums of a complex type, whose activities include the development of the city from its inception to modern times. 
It consists of: Department of Archeology with collections from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages, Department of History with collections from the field of economic, socio-political history and history of Petrovaradin Fortress, Department of Cultural History with collections from fine arts, applied arts, education and publishing , Department of Ethnology with collections in the field of crafts, rural architecture, everyday and ordinary life and the Homeland Gallery which collects works of contemporary art.

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